Thursday, 12 March 2009

bear with us....

A new project and one hopefully that will get off the ground in the current economic climate! The wonders of having writing as a hobby is that you have a relatively cost-free outlay, i.e. pen, paper (ok and a computer if you want to flash it up on a blog like this - but most libraries let you use them for free). And books, yeah, books are everywhere, an abundant resource at your fingertips and so deliciously stocked almost anywhere. So no excuse really. Get writing.

In the near future I'm hoping to enlist the help of the Somerset Writers to bulk out this blog and tell you all about our varied and interesting pieces of work, events and activities. (The last two might be one and the same thing but I can't be bothered to edit right now)

Toodlepip for now....


  1. Hello, Polly. Grappling with the registration has taken me half the evening and I'm tempted to resort to pen and quill and carrier pigeon as favoured means of communication...given I still don't own a mobile phone this is high tech for me. I can see the potential for the group, however. Have you encouraged anyone else to get blogging?

  2. Hi Polly thanks for the reminder, I made it finally. I hope to help start filling it up soon ... just as soon as I've worked out how to get around it all!

    Julie x
