Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The Great Elvis Impersonators Riot of 1996

I saw Elvis thump Elvis,
Knock him to the deck,
I watched Elvis head butt Elvis,
And Elvis fall on his sequined back.
Elvis’ pink sock was visible,
As he put the brothel creeper in.
Then it was all a flurry,
Capes and karate chops;
Flying fists and flailing quiffs;
And who called the cops?
I heard it was Elvis.
The Rapid Response boys didn’t give a damn,
They just bundled Elvis after Elvis in to the van
And then it was Jailhouse Rock all over again.


  1. I read this poem out last night at the Fire River Poets, it is set at the Annual Elvis Celebration in Widnes. The idea came from listening to a Radio 4 programme years ago about Elvis impresonators. It took a while to write as the idea was there and a beginning and an end but the middle was hazy. It might yet change.

  2. I really loved this. Until I read your post I was convinced it was based on a true event.


  3. I am afraid not, it would have been fun if it had but I have to be honest and say I made it all up. I liked your piece on Woolworths, very evocative.

  4. Paul this was so funny when you read it out - a great performance piece. Thanks for sharing it. xx
