Sunday, 24 April 2011

The Music of Being Human: Understanding Modern Poetry

Saturday, 30 April, 2011, 10.00 – 1.00

Many lovers of literature turn away from the challenge that reading modern poetry can present. Recent anthologies, such as Bloodaxe’s Staying Alive and Being Alive demonstrate how poetry can illuminate human experience in all its varied shades and colours. This workshop considers how poetry differs from other literary forms and how it works to bring us small slices of human experience framed and magnified for our attention. It suggests how to get inside a poem and find a personal response to it that can add understanding to our view of human experience.
We will read and discuss a number of modern poems, starting with the short and straightforward and moving onto more difficult pieces. Some of the examples relate directly to the therapeutic process. There will be humour, beauty, passion and that’s only the half of it! Poetry atheists and agnostics welcome.
Venue: Somerset Counselling Centre, 38 Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HD
Cost: £25
Facilitator: Chris Banks
Chris Banks is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and a Supervisor with a lifelong interest in literature and writing. She is a published poet and short story writer. She works in private practice in Taunton.

1 comment:

  1. This is Annie Freud trying to contact Chris Banks. I lost my gmail account last year when I was hacked and lost your address. I have a gig coming up in Bridport on 30 May at the Beech and Barnicott. Mt new email address is xxA
