Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Page to Stage performances

Mary Deakin, a member of the Somerset Writers Group, has had her script selected for a 'scratch' performance at Tacchi Morris Arts Centre and the Bridgwater Arts Centre. Well Done Mary! For anyone who wants to come along and watch this, details are as follows: Tacchi Morris on Wed 2nd November 7.30pm, www.tacchi-morris.com or Bridgwater Arts Centre on Thurs 3rd November 8pm, www.bridgwaterartscentre.co.uk.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Stories of Great Turning

Stories of the Great Turning is a collection of stories of how individuals and groups are contributing to this revolution. Joanna Macy has agreed to write an introductory essay, centred around five guidelines for taking part in the Great Turning:

•come from gratitude
•don't be afraid of the dark
•dare to vision
•link arms with others
•act your age

You do not have to be a skilled writer to contribute, but you do have to be willing to rise to the challenge of telling your story beautifully. We will arrange writing workshops to nurture and stimulate creative storytelling. Interested? then click the title above for more info....

Lawrence Sail at The Brewhouse

Concluding their 2011 season of poetry events at The Brewhouse, Fire River Poets are delighted to announce that the guest poet for their reading on 3 November will be Lawrence Sail. Chairman of Fire River Poets, John Stuart, said “It is a real pleasure to welcome one of Britain’s most respected poets to Poetry at The Brewhouse.”

Members of Fire River Poets will also be reading during the evening and, as John was at pains to point out “We always provide a platform for poets of all ages and levels of experience, so there will as usual be an open mic session during the evening for any poet who would like to come along and read. Poets who would like to take advantage of this opportunity should apply through enquiry@fireriverpoets.org.uk.”

The reading begins at 8.00 pm, takes place in The Studio and costs £5.00. Tickets may be purchased from the Brewhouse box office. Enquiries and bookings on 01823 283244 or info@thebrewhouse.net.