Monday, 7 November 2011

'It's Just A Ride'

I thought I would put this up as it's the first thing I've done in a while. 
It was one of those special moments, a true piece of child wisdom.

‘It’s Just a Ride’
A while ago I was driving home from a playground after a day with the kids. My one-year-old daughter was thankfully asleep whilst my nearly-four-year old son was rattling on about diggers and tractors as usual. It was about three in the afternoon, and my brain just about was pickled from the endless demands of the pair of them. After a brief interlude in the digger versus tractor debate, one in which I hoped he was also going to sleep, he piped up again.
“Daddy?” he said. “Is the Earth spinning now?
“Yes,” I told him, “the Earth is always spinning.”
The source of this question dated back a couple of days when I was reading a book to him at bedtime about how we get our seasons. At the time he didn’t seem all that interested and I wasn’t sure he had taken any of it in, but his sponge-like brain must have been mulling it over. I thought I had better elaborate on the subject.
“If the Earth stopped spinning we would all fall off.”
I could see by his face in the rear view mirror that he found this idea amusing. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind. He thought about it for some time before forming another question.
“Daddy, when I die will the Earth still be spinning?”
This sudden mention of death took me by surprise. Recently we had broached the subject when our next door neighbour’s dog, Charlie, was put down by the vet. He had grown up with Charlie so we had taken him in a few hours before to say goodbye, and although he seemed sad he hadn’t asked many questions about it, although he had told us later that his imaginary friend, Doobeedore, had died but that he was alright now.
“Yes, the earth will still be spinning when you die,” I told him.
A short pause this time.
“That’s good,” he announced. “Someone else can have a go.”
I laughed, but it was laughter that came close to tears. What a beautifully simple way to view the world, I thought, as if it was some giant playground. I secretly hoped that through all the swings and roundabouts of life he would always see it this way. It reminded me of something the late comedian, Bill Hicks, used to say at the end of his routine.
“It’s just a ride,” he would say. “Just a ride.”
“That’s a really great way to look at the world,” I said to my son.
“What?” It had already gone from his mind. He was straining in his seat to get a better look out of the window.
“Look Daddy! A combine harvester!”

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Page to Stage performances

Mary Deakin, a member of the Somerset Writers Group, has had her script selected for a 'scratch' performance at Tacchi Morris Arts Centre and the Bridgwater Arts Centre. Well Done Mary! For anyone who wants to come along and watch this, details are as follows: Tacchi Morris on Wed 2nd November 7.30pm, or Bridgwater Arts Centre on Thurs 3rd November 8pm,

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Stories of Great Turning

Stories of the Great Turning is a collection of stories of how individuals and groups are contributing to this revolution. Joanna Macy has agreed to write an introductory essay, centred around five guidelines for taking part in the Great Turning:

•come from gratitude
•don't be afraid of the dark
•dare to vision
•link arms with others
•act your age

You do not have to be a skilled writer to contribute, but you do have to be willing to rise to the challenge of telling your story beautifully. We will arrange writing workshops to nurture and stimulate creative storytelling. Interested? then click the title above for more info....

Lawrence Sail at The Brewhouse

Concluding their 2011 season of poetry events at The Brewhouse, Fire River Poets are delighted to announce that the guest poet for their reading on 3 November will be Lawrence Sail. Chairman of Fire River Poets, John Stuart, said “It is a real pleasure to welcome one of Britain’s most respected poets to Poetry at The Brewhouse.”

Members of Fire River Poets will also be reading during the evening and, as John was at pains to point out “We always provide a platform for poets of all ages and levels of experience, so there will as usual be an open mic session during the evening for any poet who would like to come along and read. Poets who would like to take advantage of this opportunity should apply through”

The reading begins at 8.00 pm, takes place in The Studio and costs £5.00. Tickets may be purchased from the Brewhouse box office. Enquiries and bookings on 01823 283244 or

Friday, 5 August 2011

Annie Freud at The Brewhouse

Continuing their 2011 season of poetry events at The Brewhouse, Fire River Poets are delighted to announce that the guest poet for their reading on 1 September will be Annie Freud. Chairman of Fire River Poets, John Stuart, said “It is very exciting to be able to welcome Annie to The Brewhouse. It is a mark of how outstanding her work is that her fame has travelled so far and so quickly since she first wowed the poetry world with A Voids Officer Achieves the Tree Pose* and The Best Man Who Ever Was**.”

Members of Fire River Poets will also be reading during the evening and, as John was at pains to point out “We always provide a platform for poets of all ages and levels of experience, so there will as usual be an open mic session during the evening for any poet who would like to come along and read. Poets who would like to take advantage of this opportunity should apply through”

The reading begins at 8.00 pm, takes place in The Studio and costs £5.00. Tickets may be purchased from the Brewhouse box office. Enquiries and bookings on 01823 283244 or

Thursday, 28 July 2011


I was driving down the M5 on Sunday when I ran over a roof rack bar, my poor old camper was relatively unscathed, but a tyre was blown and I spent a good hour sorting it out with the other driver and waiting for rescue. Ok, I can’t change a tyre.

So I spent the time writing haikus. Here is a selection:

Fast cars speed past us

Flat tire we await the AA

Roadside assistance

(I think the fast cars speed past us says the same thing twice, and the concept of line 2 could be said to over run on to line 3, perhaps:

The fast cars speed past us

Flat tired we await the AA

One hour at the most)

A stream of traffic

People driving flash by us

We are motionless

(Again the middle line is weak, perhaps” moving metal flashes by” works better?)

A roadside picnic

Accidently forced on us

All our plans on pause

(This set me thinking of Roadside Picnic by Boris & Arkady Strugatsky, well more the wonderful film Stalker by Tarkovsky, we ate while we waited.)

Why am i telling you all this? Simply to say you can write anywhere. Always carry pen and paper and if you get the chance write. No matter, as in my case, that the result isn’t very good, just write-some of it will be. Just remember once you’ve got a skeleton you have to work on it and that does take time.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Wells Festival of Literature

Poetry and Short Story Competitions 2011

1st Prize £500
2nd Prize £200
3rd Prize £100
Wyvern Prize £100 (those living in BA, BS or TA postcode areas)

closing date 31st July 2011

more info on the Wells Festival Website

Monday, 16 May 2011

Page to Stage with Sinead

Sat 21 May, Sat 9 July 10.30am-12.30pm
Both days: £12; £10 conc. Single day: £7; £5 conc
A fantastic opportunity for budding playwrights, with our writer-in-residence Sinead Gillespie. If you have ideas for a script and are not sure where to start, or have begun but lost your way, this is the workshop for you!

In Autumn 2011 BAC in partnership with the Tacchi Morris Arts Centre will be hosting Scratch Nights, so there’s an opportunity in the pipeline to see your work performed. (You do not have to participate in these workshops to be considered for a Scratch Night.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Poetry at The Brewhouse-JACKIE JUNO

Continuing their new season of poetry events at The Brewhouse for 2011, Fire River Poets are pleased to announce that the guest poet for their reading on 5 May at 8.00pm will be the Devon-based poet, Jackie Juno. Chairman of Fire River Poets, John Stuart, said “It is very exciting to be able to welcome Jackie to The Brewhouse. We have enjoyed poetry of many styles in our evenings but this is the first time we will have a performance poet who is also a comedian to entertain us … and that is very much what she will do!”

Members of Fire River Poets will also be reading during the evening and, as John was at pains to point out “We always provide a platform for poets of all ages and levels of experience, so there will as usual be an open mic session during the evening for any poet who would like to come along and read. Poets who would like to take advantage of this opportunity should apply through”

The reading begins at 8.00 pm, takes place in the Studio and costs £5.00. Tickets may be purchased from the Brewhouse box office. Enquiries and bookings on 01823 283244 or

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Yourself & Others on the Page: Creative Writing & the Reflective Process

Saturday, 21 May 2011, 10.00 – 4.30

Writing can be a method of enquiry, a process that increases mindfulness and reveals what is at our own deep centre. It can offer new perspectives on others by imaginatively entering another’s world. Reflective writing can clarify problems and throw up possible solutions. It can reveal to us valuable glimpses of the way we relate to others and to ourselves. Once we cast off any inhibitions about how we ‘should’ write or what ‘good writing’ is, writing offers a valuable way into the unconscious and a spontaneous means of expression.
This experiential workshop is for anyone working in a therapeutic setting interested in the use of reflective writing for personal and professional development. It uses short writing exercises and pair or small group discussion to deepen understanding of the self and others. Some exercises will be aimed specifically at thinking about clients; others are focused on the self and personal relationships. You do not need to be able to write ‘correctly’ or to have any experience of creative writing to take part.
Cost: £55
Please bring food for shared lunch. Alternatively, sandwiches can be bought locally.

Venue: Somerset Counselling Centre, 38 Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HD

Facilitator: Chris Banks
Chris Banks is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and a Supervisor with a lifelong interest in literature and writing. She is a published poet and short story writer. She works in private practice in Taunton.

The Music of Being Human: Understanding Modern Poetry

Saturday, 30 April, 2011, 10.00 – 1.00

Many lovers of literature turn away from the challenge that reading modern poetry can present. Recent anthologies, such as Bloodaxe’s Staying Alive and Being Alive demonstrate how poetry can illuminate human experience in all its varied shades and colours. This workshop considers how poetry differs from other literary forms and how it works to bring us small slices of human experience framed and magnified for our attention. It suggests how to get inside a poem and find a personal response to it that can add understanding to our view of human experience.
We will read and discuss a number of modern poems, starting with the short and straightforward and moving onto more difficult pieces. Some of the examples relate directly to the therapeutic process. There will be humour, beauty, passion and that’s only the half of it! Poetry atheists and agnostics welcome.
Venue: Somerset Counselling Centre, 38 Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HD
Cost: £25
Facilitator: Chris Banks
Chris Banks is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and a Supervisor with a lifelong interest in literature and writing. She is a published poet and short story writer. She works in private practice in Taunton.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Make Crime (Writing) Pay....

Alibi has teamed up with HarperCollins and Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival, Harrogate to unearth some of the country's hottest new crime-writing talent of 2011 and we're asking you to submit your very own crime fiction short story.

Your story should be between 1,000 and 2,500 words and should refer to your local region and create a strong sense of place. Click on the title above for a full overview and competition criteria.

Music on the Quantocks

Hello everyone

We thought you'd like to hear about these world-class concerts in local villages, featuring the incredible bass baritone Andrey Kapralov ...

from St Petersburg, Russia

Stogumber - 7.30pm - Friday, 13 May
Kilve - 6.30pm - Saturday, 14 May
North Curry - 4pm - Sunday, 15 May

A magical concert of Russian Orthodox music and Russian folk songs by St Petersburg's finest vocal group, the Hermitage Ensemble.

The incredible bass baritone Andrey Kapralov, who sang in Verdi's Don Carlo at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden recently, will be singing with the Hermitage Ensemble. He sang with them last year at our two sell-out concerts in Over Stowey church and stunned the audiences with his solos. It was an extraordinary, unforgettable day!

To book seats from £5 to £15 please email or more info by clicking the title above...

First Poetry Cafe of 2011 on 7 April

Poetry Cafes are not ‘showcase evenings’ in which audiences are expected to listen in rapt silence, but participatory evenings for poets and poetry lovers to exchange views with experienced poets with a view to developing more confidence in writing, a better understanding of the world of modern poetry, both in terms of approaches to writing and of the publication ‘merry-go-round’.

As guest poet for this freewheeling evening Fire River Poets have invited their colleague, Hannah Wiseheart, to step into the spotlight. Hannah was born and studied in the USA, including a period with the great Denise Levertov (1923-97), for which we can only envy her - or maybe not! Great poets are not always easy company.

Hannah's poems have appeared in numerous journals in the US and she has won prizes there. She recently moved to the UK with her husband and now lives near Taunton. I must say, I always look forward to the opportunity to explore another person's experience of poetry. It is a never ending fascination to hear what the drivers are that make people write, how varied they are and yet how very much common ground! Hannah will, I am sure, offer yet more evidence of this extraordinarily human conundrum and be greatly entertaining in the process.

Join us and discover for yourself ...
John Stuart
Chairman-Fire River Poets

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Anyone fancy 'writing' for your supper?

Our company, Food & Drink Guides, publish an annual restaurant guide currently covering 29 regions across the UK and will be producing the 8th Edition of our Somerset Guide during June 2011. From experience, I have found that the vast number of our best reviews have been by those with a keen interest and/or career in writing, which I why I would like to extend this opportunity to you.
Although unpaid, each reviewer will receive a complimentary meal for themselves and a guest for each review they attend. They will also be credited for their contribution in the front of the guide.
Please feel free to look at our website for the reviews we have currently published
Contact Josh Turner - Food & Drink Guides
Tel: 0117 927 7167

Monday, 21 March 2011

wow! Check out Sinead's writing...

She's one of our very own Somerset Writers, albeit with a distinctive Northern Irish twang, currently on the Brit Writers Programme....Sinead Gillespie has such a unique voice, you can hear her as you read off the page...check out her blog...

Monday, 14 March 2011

Poetry café at The Brewhouse

Poetry lovers and, in particular, poets, whether they belong to a writers’ group or not, whether they have published any poems or not, whether they write seriously or not, are invited to come along to The Brewhouse on 7 April 2011 to join us in a poetry café run by Fire River Poets. Cafés are open meetings at which members of the audience are invited to read their own work and to enter into discussion and debate with the guest poet and the chair of the evening.

These are not ‘showcase evenings’ in which audiences are expected to listen in rapt silence, but participatory evenings for poets and poetry lovers to exchange views with experienced poets with a view to developing more confidence in writing, a better understanding of the world of modern poetry, both in terms of approaches to writing and of the publication ‘merry-go-round’. It is also an opportunity to get to know other lovers of poetry.

The chairman of Fire River Poets, John Stuart, said “The important thing about a poetry café is that it is an informal, friendly get together with other lovers of poetry. Anybody who feels uncertain about reading their work in public will soon realise that the audience is on their side. It is a great opportunity to see what it’s like and to learn how to read your work aloud.”

As guest poet for this freewheeling evening Fire River Poets has invited their colleague, Hannah Wiseheart, to step into the spotlight. Hannah was born and studied in the US, including a period with the great Denise Levertov (1923-97). Her poems have appeared in journals in the US and she has won prizes there. She recently moved to the UK with her husband and lives in Somerset.

The café begins at 8.00 pm, takes place in the Studio and tickets cost £5.00 - obtainable from the Brewhouse box office (01823 283244).